


安斯斯——一个听起来陌生而遥远, 却又总是激发人类好奇与兴趣的地方。在此,我们邀请您走进古代世界最伟大的文明之一——安第斯文明,参观、聆听和体验安第斯古老文明神秘且令人神往的重要特点与成就。此次展览是中国第一次全方位展示13000多年安第斯文明的文物和信息,共有选自秘鲁十大国家和地区博物馆的168件不同材质的物品,包括陶瓷、金属、纺织品、石头、骨头、木材和植物纤维。这些物品展现了被现代学者们研究最广泛也是秘鲁民族中最重要的十种不同时期不同区域的文化特征,而正是这些文化特征,一起孕育了伟大的古代安第斯文明。


安第斯文明以今秘鲁的库斯科盆地和秘鲁、玻利维亚交界的的的喀喀湖为中心,包括秘鲁大部, 玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔、阿根廷和智利的部分地区。距今1.5万年前,来自亚洲的狩猎者穿越白令海峡来到这片神奇的土地,在与其他文明基本隔绝的情况下,经过远古时期、成长时期、区域发展时期和列国时期的漫长历程,最终创建了印加帝国,安第斯文明发展到极盛。安第斯文明虽没有文字和车轮,但雄伟的马丘比丘宫殿建筑、壮美的库斯科古城、神秘的纳斯卡地画,以及绚丽的纺织品、多彩的陶器和精致的金银制品……处处闪耀着智慧的光芒。



秘鲁考古学人类学历史学国家博物馆Museo Nacional de Arqueologia,
秘鲁拉斯哈卡斯神殿群博物館Museo Arqueologico “Santiago Uceda Castillo”
秘鲁布鲁宁国家考古博物館Museo Arqueologico Nacional Bruning
秘鲁西坎国家博物館Museo Nacional Sican
秘鲁查文国家博物馆Museo Nacional Chavin
秘鲁莱梅班巴博物馆Museo de L eymebamba / Centro Marqui
秘鲁万查科昌昌遗址博物館Direccion Desconsentrada de Cultura de La Libertad

秘鲁中央银行附属博物館Banco Centrel de Reserva del Peru
拉鲁克博物館Asociaciun Rafael Larco Hoyle
利马博物館Asociacion Museo de Arte de Lima
佩德罗德奥斯马博物馆Fundacion Pedro y Angelica de Osma Gildemeister















从近100年的考古研究成果来看,查文的宗教基本是结合了秘鲁北部沿海与高地的各个地区的宗教特点提炼而来的。由石材和其他多种器物装点的朝圣图像表达了对自然力,以及对宇宙二元性(例如男女实质上的互补二元性)的敬畏,同时也表达了对水源和农业丰收的高度关注。这种宗教目前在秘鲁北部地区依然分布甚广,这一-方面由于此地区依然以农耕为主要生活模式,另- -方面该宗教也史无前例的促进了地域间的交流。

Andean prehistory is frequently viewed as having undergone alternating periods of cultural unification and regionalization.Nearly a century of archaeological investigations has shown that this cult is largely a synthesis of selective features of various regional religious traditions of both the coast and the highlands of the northern Peru. Sacred images on precisely executed stone carvings and other types of artifacts inform us of overriding concerns of the cult for water, fertility, agricultural success, as well as the veneration of natural forces and dualistic features of the universe (e.g,, essential complementarity of male and female). While the spread of the cult over much of the northern Peru related to the spread of agrarian lifeway in the same area, it also established interregional interaction that heretofore had not been seen.





During the latter half of the first millennium BCE, a drive to assert or reclaim local identity (sociopolitical more than religious in nature) seems to have emerged in many areas of Peru influenced by the Cult. In various areas on the north coast of Peru,for example, distinctive art styles suggest the coexistence of various sociopolitical groups such Gallinazo, Salinar, and Vicús during this period. During the first centuries.

During the first centuries of the first millennium CE, occupation of the north coast become even more complex as north highland-based Cajamarca and Recuay as well as a new north coast group, the Moche, sought to establish territorial claims. Most likely, varied strategies – such as peaceful resource sharing, mutual avoidance, resource and/or occupational specialization, and armed conflict – were employed. the south coast of Peru, the situation appears simpler with the Chavín-influenced Paracas integrating cultural elements of the neighboring Topara gradually developing into the later Nasca. In the Titicaca Lake area, the north and south shore developments, the Pucara and the Chiripa, merged to form a religiously and ethnically inclusive
polity, the Tiwanaku. By the beginning of the sixth century CE, the Moche arose as the most important culture on the coast. It is often singled out as exemplifying the “regional classic” or “florescent” culture of the Andes.













A combination of major climatic disturbances – a severe, prolonged drought closely followed by a mega-EI Niño phenomenon – during the latter half of the sixth century triggered various major cultural transformations both on the coast and in the highlands of the Central Andes. One such transformation was widespread shifts in population distribution. The north and central coasts of Peru saw the unprecedented population nucleation of the Moche and Lima peoples and the emergence of what are commonly regarded as true cities. On the south coast,much of the Nasca population left the coast in favor of adjacent highlands.Sometime during the late 7th century, the Wari with its new religion forged from Tiwanaku and Nasca elements began its first wave of expansion out of their Ayacucho heartland in all directions.


The second wave of expansion, sometime in the eighth century CE, was more violent.more specifically, the political decline of the northern coast of the Andes and the ascendency of the south-central and southern highlands.The preceding political disarray of the former facilitated intrusion by the latter. Although neither the Wari nor the Tiwanaku established a lasting political hegemony over the Andes, they did leave behind a persistent and broad range of highland influences on the coast. By the beginning of the 10th century, however, the Middle Sican centered in the Lambayeque region of the north coast of Peru with high productivity, advanced technologies, and a large population established a powerful state, dominating much of the Peruvian coast.












The second round of empire building in the Andes took place during this final era of Andean prehistory.The political demise of the Wari and Tiwanaku shortly before and after 1000 CE, respectively, resulted in the resurgence of many regional polities and attendant strife in much of the highlands. On the north coast, the downfall of the Middle Sican around 1100 CE and the subsequent truncation of Sican dominion resulted in the rapid rise of the Chimú. Based at the urban capital of Chan Chan in the Moche Valley, the Chimú began its own expansion along the coast.


They were engaged in large-scale, state-directed “nation building” programs such as the spread of Quechua as the lingua franca, agricultural terraces and agro-pastoralism. Their success in territorial expansion, however, was vulnerable to the accompanying challenges of effectively administering a highly complex and rapidly evolving empire. By the time the Spaniards reached the empire in 1532, it was already experiencing considerable strain due to established imperial policies and institutions, royal fraternal conflicts, promises and compromises made to allies and state personnel, and dealing with the many insurrections of “conquered groups.”While we appreciate the Inca’s many unprecedented achievements, we should also ask if the Spaniards would have found the Inca Empire if they had arrived 20 years later.





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